Frequently Asked Questions

How do you install the AT1000?
The AT1000 can be installed by referring to the installation guide provided. The mounting cradle is secured to the asset using 4 supplied screws, the AT1000 device is snapped into the cradle mount, and finally the device is secured to the cradle using 4 zip ties.

Does the AT1000 have a mag-mount option?
Yes, the AT1000 also has a magnetic mount available as an accessory. The 4 cradle mounting screws are replaced with 4 magnets to create the magnetic mount cradle.

How do you turn on the AT1000 device?
Place the unit in the mounting cradle (make sure it’s fully inserted and the tamper switch is pressed), then press and hold the emergency button on the front. The power LED should light, and glow for ~3 seconds. After the power LED stops glowing, and the network/cell LED blinks, stop holding the emergency button down. Verify that the network/cell LED blinked twice. The two blinks indicate that the AT1000 successfully connected to the cellular data network. When a successful data call is made, the device will transmit a location snapshot to FC.

How many inputs does the AT1000 have?
The AT1000 has 3 available inputs: 2 general purpose inputs, and a Power ON/OFF input that tracks the status of external power.

What voltage range is the AT1000 setup to work with?
The AT1000 can use any voltage between 9- 32V DC for the power supply.

How long does it take for the AT1000 device to report the start and end of a trip/movement?
If configured to report on motion, the AT1000 typically reports the start of a trip after 2 minutes of constant motion. Similarly, the end of a trip is reported once the device is sitting still for more than 2 minutes (no movement).

How long does it take for the battery to recharge?
Once the battery is fully discharged, it takes 24 hrs for a full charge.

Does the temperature affect the charging of the AT1000 battery?
For the standard AT1000, the built-in battery charger is normally activated when external power is turned ON, and the environmental temperature is between 0 – 45 Celsius, or between 32 – 113 Fahrenheit. If the temperature falls outside of that range, the battery will not charge.

What is expected battery life?
The internal battery (3.7V 13.6Ah), can last up to 3 years without recharging, based on 1 position transmission/heartbeat every 24 hrs.

What’s the right data plan for my expected use of an AT1000?
Please use the AT1000 Data Usage Calculator to calculate your expected data use.

Can the AT1000 device be configured to detect trailer tethering?
Yes, either one of the 2 general purpose inputs can be used to detect the connection/ disconnection of the trailer tether, or the main external power input can be used to detect tethering status based on power status (power is ON = trailer is tethered).